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List of Commands
nsNest - Beta

Opens the project creation form. A new project can be created by entering the properties below:

● Project Name
● Length (m)
● Beam (m)
● Draught (m)
● Midship (mm)
● Frame Spacing (mm)


Opens the project editing form. The active project gets selected automatically but it is possible to edit other projects belonging to the company. Below properties of the project can be edited:

● Length (m)
● Beam (m)
● Draught (m)
● Midship (mm)
● Frame Spacing (mm)


Opens the project selection form. Available projects in the company library get listed in the Select Project field. Users can select the new project and press the Set Active button to switch to it.
Opens the block management form. The Active project and active block can be seen in the form. New blocks can be added for the active project with Add Block button. Blocks of the active project get listed in the form. 

Active block can be changed by selecting a block from the list and clicking on the Select Active Block button.

Block(s) can be deleted by selecting from the list and clicking on the Delete Selected Blocks button.


Places a ruler into the Rhino document. There are three options available in the command:

● xStart: Starting point X value
● textHeight: Height of frame number text which is placed on every 5 frames
● textPadding: Distance of frame number texts to the related frame points

In order to remove the ruler, Users can run the nsAddRuler command again.



Adds dynamic navigation texts to the Rhino document. Below navigation texts are automatically moved to direction positions with respect to the Rhino camera view:

● UP
● PS

The color of the navigation texts can be changed with the nsSettings command. It is possible to remove navigation texts by running the command again.


With this command, parts in Rhino document can be defined to NotilusSteeler and uploaded to the cloud database. Input geometries for part defining operation can be Curves (A bounding curve, cutout curve(s), marker curve(s)), Surface, PolySurface, or Closed PolySurface.

Below part types should be defined with the nsDefinePart command:

● Frame
● Girder
● ShellPlate
● Deck
● Bracket
● SuperStructure
● Tanktop
● Outfitting


As seen in the form, the selected (active) project is highlighted at the top. Below that, properties and throw (thickness direction) of the part that is about the be defined take place. In order to create a symmetric part too, then the Symmetric checkbox should be checked.

It is possible to create multiple parts at once with the nsDefinePart command. For example, multiple solid parts in the Rhino document can be defined by selecting them all and running the nsDefinePart command. In the appeared form, the User should select desired properties and check the Auto Define Curve Originated checkbox. After that NotilusSteeler will automatically define the parts that have been selected. If the automatically extracted surface of the part is amorphous, then the program will stop at that part and wait for you to review throw and then hit the Create button.

NotilusSteeler automatically detects the type of part with respect to its orientation in the 3D space. But there are some special cases for some types, for example, Brackets. Brackets might be detected as a Girder, and the user may have a lot of brackets to be defined at once. In such cases, Users can select the Bracket type from the Type combo box and check Lock Type, after clicking on the Create button, the program will define all selected brackets with the manually selected Bracket type.

Also, the Define Part Form has a Skip button, which allows skipping the current part while defining multiple parts at once.


Opens the stiffener creation form. With the properties below, stiffeners can be placed on selected lines upon the selected part:

● Start & End Positions
● Orientation
● Flip
● Profile
○ Flat Bar
○ T Bar
○ Angle Bar
○ Holland Profile
● Start & End Cuts
● Limber Cut Type
● In & Out Orientation
● Throw Direction
● 2D: If Checked, nsGetPart2D command gets flatbar 2Ds.

There are plenty of pre-defined profile types available in the form. But it is possible to change the dimensions of the profiles manually. Also, placed stiffener(s) can be edited later. 



Stiffener Types:

AB Angle Bar 
FB Flat Bar
HP Balb Profile
TB T Bar

End Types:


Adds faceplates on selected surfaces with given inputs. Faceplate previews get automatically generated.

The below properties can be edited in the command and previews get automatically updated:

● Width: Width of the flat bar
● Height: Height of the flat bar
● Type: L and T types are available
● ManualSplit: Option is for users who wants to select split points manually for looping surfaces
● StartCut: Cut detail at the start
● EndCut: Cut detail at the end
● WeldingSideLength (L type): Length value for the welding sides of the L-type faceplates
● Flip (L type): Switches welding side for the L type faceplates

After selecting the properties of the faceplates, Users can press enter and NotilusSteeler builds faceplates in the Rhino document. Same with parts and stiffeners, faceplates are also editable. In order to edit faceplates, Users can run the nsEditPart command. 


Part Editing Form


In the process of editing the defined part, NotilusSteeler automatically brings the origin geometries of the selected part and shows the thickness direction with arrows.  Also, it is possible to see if the part has entered any plate or not.

Stiffener Editing Form


Edit Stiffener Form appears with the values of the selected stiffener(s). Similar to the defining process of the stiffener, the User can change the parameters of the stiffener and update it directly. NotilusSteeler allows the user to edit multiple stiffeners at once.
The Flip button can be used for flipping the direction of the stiffener. For example, a User may have Bulb Flat Bar (HP), in order to change the direction of the bulb, the user can use this button. PartID text shows the related part id of the stiffener that is going to be edited.

Faceplate Editing Form
The below properties of the faceplates can be edited in the form:
● Start & End Positions
● Type
○ T plate
○ L plate
● Welding Side Length
● Throw Direction
● In & Out Orientation
● Profile Dimensions
● Start & End Cuts


Opens the multiple-part editing form. Below properties of the parts can be edited in the form:

● Material
● Thickness
● Block



As seen in the form, the Material, Thickness, and Block information of the selected parts will be selected in fields. In case of different values, varies text will be displayed in selection fields. 

If the user leaves varies selection fields as it is, related properties will not be changed. But selected property values will be set to parts. Part IDs of the selected parts will be updated if the block value changes.
Splits stiffener(s) from selected point(s). Each stiffener becomes a separate stiffener and can be edited separately.


In order to add lightening holes to parts, Users should place hole points on parts in the Rhino document. The second step is to run the nsAddLighteningHole command and set the below options available in the command:

● Type
○ Circle: Only requirement for this type is the radius.
○ FullRadius: This type requires radius and width.
○ CornerRadius: This type requires radius, width, and height.
● AutoFlatbar: If the user wants to add faceplates to the lightening hole surfaces this option must be set to Yes. 

With desired options, Users can select the part(s) to add holes. After this step, NotilusSteeler asks for the required values for the selected type. Once the required values are set, Users can press Enter and select hole points. NotilusSteeler highlights selected points with replaced red points.

With given inputs, NotilusSteeler automatically adds holes to parts and builds flat bars if needed.


Deletes all inner holes (cutouts) of the selected part(s) and updates the database.
Adds cutout(s) to the part edges. After selecting a part and running the command, Users can set the below properties of the cutout and select a point on the part edge:
● Type: Round and Limber types are available
● Radius: Radius value in millimeters
● Width (Limber Type): Width value in millimeters for limber-type cutouts. Radius value is included.
● Height (Limber Type): Height value in millimeters for limber-type cutouts. Radius value is included.


Adds multiple cutouts through the selected line(s) to defined parts at once. After running the command, NotilusSteeler waits for the part selection. In the second step, Users should select cutout line(s) that intersects with the part’s origin surface edges. Also, it is possible to select the cutout type and cutout dimensions from the command line at this step.

Finally, NotilusSteeler automatically adds cutouts to parts with given inputs and updates the Rhino document.
With the nsAddBracket command, Users can select a bracket type from the form and enter the required parameters for the selected bracket type. After entering the values, surfaces for the bracket placement can be selected by clicking on the Select Surfaces button. Multiple brackets can be added with given inputs.


Users can add collar plates with cutouts to parts with the nsAddCollarPlate command. Inputs for the cutouts with collar plates can be:

● T-Bar Stiffeners
● Girders with Flat bars

After selecting the parts and cutting object(s), NotilusSteeler automatically adds cutouts to parts and places collar plates for the cutouts.


Adds extension(s) to defined parts’ edges. After selecting the part and running the nsAddExtension command, NotilusSteeler automatically brings edge curves of the selected part and hides the solid geometry.

In the next step, Users can select an edge and optionally set an extension value for the edge. The added extension can be viewed with the nsShowExtensions command and can be deleted with the nsDeleteExtensions command.

NotilusSteeler automatically adds extensions on part unrolling operation, also extension markers are added to unrolled parts.


Added extensions of multiple parts can be deleted with the nsDeleteExtensions command. After adding and deleting extensions on parts, the recent status of the extensions on parts can be viewed with the nsShowExtensions command.
Adds extension information dots to the Rhino document for selected parts. The magnitude of the extension at the edge can be seen in information dots.


Opens frame type selection form. Users can select the frame type and enter values for the selected frame type. There are 4 types of frames available:
● Type 1: 


● Type 2:


● Type 3:


● Type 4:


Creates bending schemes for the hull parts. Also, appends support parts at nsGetPart2Ds command with respect to the selected BendType option. The below arguments are available for the command:

● StartSpace: Space from the aft side for the first support.
● EndSpace: Space from the forward side for the last support.
● Interval: Space between supports.
● MinSupportHeight: Minimum height for the support parts.
● SupportThickness: Thickness value of the support parts in millimeters.
● SupportMaterial: Material of the support parts.
● SupportSide: This argument specifies the side which will touch with the support parts.
● BendType:
○ Frames: With this option selected, NotilusSteeler directly uses frame lines to place supports. On unroll operation of the hull part, support part unrolls get added automatically.
○ Custom: Support placement is done with respect to given StartSpace, EndSpace, and Interval values. Same with the Frames option, support part unrolls get added on unroll operation of the hull part. Also, markers of the support parts are placed on the unrolled curve of the hull part.


Adds stiffener cutouts to selected parts and creates links between part(s) and stiffener(s). NotilusSteeler automatically selects the cutout profile with respect to the selected stiffener(s). Also, if the user edits the stiffeners, cutouts of the edited stiffeners get updated by the links automatically.

Updates cutout types of selected stiffeners and parts. Cutout types for the different types of profiles can be selected separately from the command prompt.


Selected parts and stiffeners must belong to the active project.
Adds welding slots on both defined and not defined parts. Slot parameters can be edited with the arguments below.

● SlotLength: Length of the slots in millimeters.
● SlotWidth: Width of the slots in millimeters.
● EdgeSpace: Space value for the start and end slots from the edges in millimeters.


If the selected plate is defined slots are also get defined in the database.

Checks interferences of the defined parts with respect to thickness directions and origin surfaces. After the control process, highlights interfering parts.

Controls and highlights duplicate and overlapping markers on defined parts.

Automatically unrolls selected surfaces and controls the size of the unrolled surfaces with respect to given plate size values in the settings. Highlights the surfaces that do not fit into the specified plate size.

Creates sheet from the plate with nested part unrolls. Automatically places part ids and marker texts. Builds sheet frame upon the selected plate.

● isScrapePlate: If the plate is a scrap of another plate, this must be set to Yes. The main plate can be selected from the appeared form. The number of the scrap plate is set with respect to the main plate’s number.
● stiffenerFormat: If stiffener IDs are required in stiffener marker texts in the sheet, this must be set to WithID.


Deletes markers of the selected parts from the database.
Removes database links of the NotilusSteeler objects. Can be used on both parts and stiffeners. After removing links to the database, the object can be edited and changes don’t affect the database.
Deletes saved unroll data of the part from the database. 
Exports a dxf file for each part. The below options are available for the command:

● AddText: Adds part id texts to the dxf file.
● Explode: Used for exploding input curves into segments. This option prevents 2D Polyline curve outputs in the AutoCAD program.


Exports PDF and DXF files for the selected sheet(s). Runs  Below options are available for the command:
● SavePath: Path to save export files.
● PrintWidth: Width value for the curves.
● PrintColor: RGB(Colored) or BlackAndWhite
● AddFBtoDXF: Appends manually added flat bar curves in the sheet which are colored blue.
● Explode: Used for exploding input curves into segments. This option prevents 2D Polyline curve outputs in the AutoCAD program.
● AllTogether: If set to Yes, merges separate pdf and dxf files into one file.


Extracts surface(s) of the selected not defined solids with respect to the midship point.

Creates bending schemes for visible face plates in the Rhino document. Automatically puts bending instructions and dimensions into the scheme. Also, appends the info legend to the created layout. Below options are available for the command:

● DimScale: Scale of the dimensions in the bending scheme
● DetailScale: Scale of the detail view
● CurvePrintWidth: Width of the curves in the scheme
● DimPrintWidth: Width of the dimensions in the scheme


Creates report for defined parts and stiffeners. Highlights not defined parts in the document in order to prevent misconceptions. Below properties are shown in the created report:
● PartID (For Stiffeners: “Profile Type {StiffenerID}”)
● PartNumber
● Plate
● Block
● Thickness
● Material
● Weight (Kg)
● Length (m)
● Start Cut
● End Cut
● LCG (m)
● TCG (m)
● VCG (m)

Additional to the report, active project name, total weight, and total CoG values can be seen in the report form. Users can copy the table with Copy Table button.

*Flatbar profiles get re-arranged with respect to the greater dimension. For example, FB-5x50 will be shown as FB-50x5.


Gets unroll curves of the selected parts and automatically categorizes them with respect to thickness and material values. Placed unroll curves are ready for the nesting operation.


Creates a report for the stiffeners in the Rhino document. The below properties are shown in the report:

● Type
● Material
● Length (m)

Users can copy the report table with Copy Table button and import the table to the Rhino document with Import to Doc button.

* Flat bars with similar dimensions get merged. Example:
FB-50x5 and FB-5x50 profiles are shown as FB-50x5.


Mirrors selected parts and stiffeners with respect to the selected plane. Mirror operation will run with respect to the ZX plane if the user passes the custom plane selection stage. Mirrored stiffeners get linked to the mirrored parts automatically. Part types are also preserved during the mirror operation.

Selected parts and stiffeners must belong to the active project.

nsNest - Beta
Nests selected curves into the selected plate curves.
Automatically selects the offset direction with respect to the midship point. Offsets selected surface with given thickness value.
Creates stringer parts with respect to selected lines and the plate. Automatically select centerline or waterline orientation with respect to the angle of the surface normal with XZ and XY planes. The below properties are available to edit in the appeared form:

● Start & End Positions
● Profile
○ Flat Bar
○ T Bar
○ Angle Bar
○ Holland Profile
● Start & End Cuts
● In & Out Orientation

Opens management form for the plates. Plates of the active project can be filtered with Material and Thickness fields.

The below properties of plates are shown in the plate list:

● Name
● Material
● Thickness in millimeters
● Cutting Length in meters 
● Mark Length in meters 
● Scrap Percentage
● Parts Weight in kilograms
● Prepare Date

Selected plates can be deleted with Delete Selected button.


Controls parts in the Rhino document with respect to the active project and active block, Deletes parts that are defined in the database but not presented in the Rhino document.

Selects and highlights parts that belong to the active project and given block name. IncludeNested option is available in the command for appending 2D unroll curves to the selections.

Selects objects that have given user attribute key with the given value.
Filters and select parts with respect to given inputs. A list of thickness values that exist in the Rhino document gets created in the form. Users can select the thickness value and arrange the below options to filter selections:

● Nested: Selects matched 2D unrolls if checked.
● On Model: Selects 3D model parts if checked.

Selects all of the defined parts in the document with respect to the active project. Part types are given below:

● Frame
● Girder
● Shellplate
● Flatbar
● Deck
● Bracket
● Superstructure
● Tanktop
● Outfitting

Stiffeners and faceplates are not get selected with this command. nsSelStiffeners command can be used to select stiffeners and faceplates.

Selects parts that have been placed in the given plate name. If the given plate name is All, then NotilusSteeler selects all parts that have been placed in a plate. 
Select all stiffeners and faceplates in the document. After selection, brings a filtering form. Users can select the desired profile from the Profile Type field to filter selections. If all of the stiffeners and faceplates wanted to be selected, the field could be left as All.
Appends unroll curves of the selected 3D model part to the selection and highlights both geometries.
Adds markers on parts with thickness direction arrows. Checks intersections between parts and part-stiffener pairs. In the part-stiffener case, the direction arrow comes from the throw of the stiffener. If the stiffener throw is Center then only a straight line gets added for the marker.

The magnitude of the direction arrows gets arranged with respect to the length of the intersection. After marker generation, NotilusSteeler automatically groups parts with the markers.


Brings and places markers of the selected parts to the rhino document from the cloud database.
Sets parts' color with respect to the selected option. The below options are available for color reference:

● Thickness: Sets the same color for the parts with the same thickness value.
● Material: Sets the same color for the parts with the same material.
● Type: Sets the same color for the parts with the same type. Type colors come from the layer colors.
Users can add position markers to the selected parts with the nsSetPositionMarkers command. With the markerName option in the command, Users can set marker texts manually, if the user leaves it with its default value usePositions, NotilusSteeler automatically sets the marker text with respect to the position and axis.


As seen in the form image, It is possible to select marker text formats for each axis separately. Also, Direction arrows can be added to marker curves optionally. Directions set with respect to the below references:

● X: Midship Point
● Y: Center Line
● Z: +Z Infinity
Automatically finds thickness values of the selected not defined solid parts and appends thickness value as user attribute to the part with Thickness key.
Opens settings management form. The below properties can be seen in the settings form:

● Version: Installed version of the NotilusSteeler.
● Project: Active project name.
● Midship: Midship value of the active project in millimeters.
● Frame Spacing: Frame spacing value of the active project in millimeters.

The below settings can be modified in the form:
● Convert ‘St42’ to ‘A Grade’ at CreateSheet: If checked, St42 material will be shown as A Grade in the plate sheets.
● GetPart2Ds command place with minimum X: If checked, NotilusSteeler rotates unrolled parts to be vertical in the nsGetPart2Ds command.
● Add info text for parts in sheet dxf: If checked, adds the below properties of parts as text block into the dxf file exports:
○ Block
○ PartNumber
○ Thickness
○ Material
○ Number
● Space between unrolled parts: Distance value between unrolled part curves in millimeters. Effects nsGetPart2Ds command.
● Auto-Unroll Tolerance: Tolerance percentage for edge length and area control for auto-unroll validation.
● Plate Width: Width value in millimeters for plate size control at defining and editing of parts.
● Plate Height: Height value in millimeters for plate size control at defining and editing of parts.
● Navigation Text Color: The color of the navigation texts that come with the nsShowNavigation command.
● Layer-Color: Colors for NotilusSteeler object-type layers.


Splits part with the given split lines that intersect with the origin geometries. Gives the same PartID to one of the split parts and creates new parts from other split results. 

TIP: This operation is recommended before placing stiffeners.

Splits part into two parts with given line points and holds the bigger part and updates both part geometry in the document and the database.
nsLibrary Manager
Opens library manager to add custom libraries for materials, thicknesses, profiles and profile end types. Library's are company based and can be seen to each user in company.
