npAddSpoolPoints - Beta
npCreateSpoolDims - Beta
npCreateSpoolLayout - Beta
Equipment Connection Type
Pipe Movements
With this command, Users can draw pipes in real-time by selecting elbow points. At the start of the command, the Pipe Layer form pops up and the user selects
● System (Fuel, Fresh Water, Scupper, etc.)
● Dimension (DN40, DN50, DN65, etc.)
● Material (Steel, Aluminium, CuNiFe, etc.)
● Connection Type (Pressed, Welded, etc.)
● Wall Thickness
● Production Type
● Insulation (Hot, Chilled, etc.)
Form brings available pipe options for the selected filters instantly. Also, detailed properties of the selected pipe can be seen in the top right corner of the form. While drawing pipes, the User can get back to the previous elbow point by clicking on the previous elbow point.
If a pipe polyline is drawn, Users can run the npMakePipe command to create a pipe from the drawn polyline. Pipe Layer form to get pipe option from the user, after the selection NotilusPiping creates the pipe with respect to the selected pipe polyline.
After creating pipe(s), Users can edit multiple pipes at once with the nsEditPipe command. After running the command, NotilusPiping waits for the user to select pipe(s). After the selection, the Pipe Layer form appears like in the npDrawPipe and the npMakePipe commands.
Users can double-click the desired pipe option in the form and the NotilusPiping automatically builds selected pipe(s) with new pipe option properties.
Add valve command can be used in two ways. Users can select a pipe to add a valve and NotilusPiping automatically detects the dimension of the selected pipe and brings available valve options to form. In another way, the User has the option to add a valve without selecting a pipe. For that option, the User can just press Enter at the pipe selection stage.
NotilusPiping provides a filtering system for the User at the Add Valve form. Users can filter the below options at the form:
● Type (Globe, Butterfly, Check, etc.)
● Connection Type (Pressed, Welded, Threaded, etc.)
● Body Material (Stainless Steel, CuNiFe, etc.)
● Brand (Econosto, Mapress, etc.)
TIP: It is possible to select a valve that already exists in the document. With the Select from model button, Users can select a valve from the document and NotilusPiping automatically selects the same valve in the form.
After selecting a valve point, NotilusPiping waits for the angle alignment from the user. Also, Users can reset the rotation to the default position with the ResetRotation option. After the angle alignment Users can press Escape to continue valve point selection.
Placed valves can be seen in the BOM table.
Adds equipment to the Rhino document layered with the selected system. Equipments in the local database can be searched by Name or Brand. Equipments can be added in the Library Manager.
Shows connections of the equipments that exist in the active document. Connection informations get disappeared after running the command again.
For adding flange to the pipe, Users can use the npAddFlange command. After running the command, Users select a pipe first. After pipe selection, NotilusPiping automatically detects the selected pipe dimension and waits for flange points. Users can change flange properties from the command prompt as seen below.
For press-fit pipes, NotilusPiping automatically adds an inner flange. It is possible to change the direction of the inner flange with the Flip option. In order to add a double-thickness flange select the doubler flange type. Flanges and inner flanges can be seen in the BOM table.
This command can be used for converting 45-degree connected corners to 90-degree elbows. Users can select the 45-degree corner segment of the pipe and NotilusPiping automatically transforms the corner.
This command can be used for converting 90-degree elbows to 45-degree connected corners. Users can specify the ElbowDistance and after selecting the 90-degree elbow block, NotilusPiping automatically transforms the corner.
In order to add fitting with NotilusPiping, Users can use the npAddFitting command. After running the command, Users should select a pipe and fitting point. The next step for the user is selecting a fitting type. The list of available fitting types in NotilusPiping is given below:
● TEE (Elbow)
● YE (Elbow)
● Bellow
● Flexible Coupling
● Vacuum Gauge
● Collar
● Pressure Gauge
● Thermal Gauge
● Flow Gauge
● Reducer
● 45Elbow
● 90Elbow
● Adapter
● Siphon Break
● Nipple
● Sleeve
● Mudbox
● Strainer
● Pressure Regulator
● Clape
● Air Vent Head
After selecting the type, NotilusPiping brings available options with the given inputs. If there is only one option available for the given inputs, NotilusPiping automatically selects it and places the fitting.
In case there is no option available for the inputs then NotilusPiping warns the user about the situation.
Users can add penetration around pipes or cable trays through the closed solid poly surface object. First, Users need to select pipes, after that NotilusPiping asks to select the structure to penetrate. At this stage, Users can specify below properties of the penetration with options:
● WidthSpace: Space to add width before searching for available penetrations
● HeightSpace: Space to add height before searching for available penetrations
● Length: Length of the penetration
● Material: Material of the penetration
● Thickness: Wall thickness value of the penetration
Penetration name formats are different for round and oval shapes. Round-shaped penetration names start with PD, and Oval-shaped penetration names start with P.
● Oval-shaped name format: P{Width}x{Height}x{Length}{Material}-T{Thickness}
○ Example 1. P150x89x100ST-T4
○ Example 2. P462x242x180ALU-T7
● Round-shaped name format: PD{Height}x{Length}{Material}-T{Thickness}
○ Example 1. PD60x100GRP-T4
○ Example 2. PD89x180ST-T7
Like valves and flanges, penetrations are also listed in the BOM table.
After adding penetrations with the npAddPenetration command, Users can change multiple penetrations at once. After selecting penetrations to change, NotilusPiping provides a form with filtering options available.
Users can filter the below properties to find the penetration they want.
● Width
● Height
● Thickness
● Length
● Material
● Type
After filtering, Users can double-click on the desired penetration to change selected penetrations.
Users can change the thickness of the multiple penetrations with this command. After running the commandü, NotilusPiping waits for the user to specify Thickness and select the penetrations. After that NotilusPiping changes the thickness values of the selected penetrations and updates the names of the penetrations.
NotilusPiping automatically places a reducer to separate pipe connection points, if there is an available reducer for the connecting pipes. But if users want to add a reducer manually, the npAddReducer command can be used.
Automatically calculates pipe weights and center of gravities (CoG) with respect to the below properties of pipes:
● Dimension
● Material
● Wall Thickness
After calculating the weights, NotilusPiping creates a table that contains weight and CoG information for each system.
It is also possible to calculate the fluid weights and CoGs by selecting the Fluid option for CalculationType. Fluid densities can be edited from the Library Manager / PipeSystem section.
Users have the opportunity to change multiple valves in the document at once. After selecting the valves to change, NotilusPiping brings the valve selection form. After selecting a valve from the form, NotilusPiping changes the valves with the new ones at the same positions.
Pipes can be connected with the npConnectPipes command. There are 5 options available for connection types:
● Angle90: Connects pipes at a 90-degree angle.
gif shows both 2d-3d cases
● Angle45: Connect pipes at a 45-degree angle.
● BranchTEE: Connects the first pipe’s end to the second pipe’s closest segment with a TEE fitting. If the first pipe’s end is close enough to the second pipe’s closest segment NotilusPiping connects the first pipe with a 90-degree segment, otherwise connects with a 45-degree segment.
● BranchYE: Connects first selected pipe to second selected pipe with YE fitting. Connection direction is determined by the second pipe selection point location.
Users can continue the built pipes with the npContinuePipe command. Users can select the start segment or end segment to continue from. After selecting the segment, Users can select new elbow points and NotilusPiping automatically builds and updates the pipe.
With the npCreateBOM command, Users can easily create a Bill of Materials table. The BOM table consists below columns:
● Type
● Material
● Dimension
● Diameter x Thickness
● Length (m)
● Quantity
NotilusPiping lists below objects in the BOM table:
● Pipe
● Cable Tray
● Channel
● Hose
● Insulation
● Valve
● Flange
● Reducer
● Fitting
● Penetration
Users can copy the contents of the table with the CopyTable button and also create a BOM table in the Rhino document with the ImportToDoc button.
Users can create projects with the npCreateProject command. Projects are used for Spool diagrams which are in the beta state at the moment. Below properties needed for the project creation:
● Name
● Block Positions (mm): Example; 0,15000,30000
● Short Code: Example; ND1
Users can switch between projects that are defined for the company of the user. In order to change the project, Users can use the npSelectProject command.
npAddSpoolPoints - Beta
Users can add dimension points to pipes for spool diagrams with the npAddSpoolPoints command. After adding spool points to pipe segments, Users can create spool dimensions with respect to elbow points and spool points with the npCreateSpoolDims command.
npCreateSpoolDims - Beta
In order to create a spool diagram, First, Users need to create spool dimensions with the npCreateSpoolDims command. There are two options available in the command:
● TextHeight: Height of the dimension texts
● DimensionOffset: Offset space between dimension and the pipe segment in millimeters.
After entering the option values and selecting the pipes, NotilusPiping automatically creates spool dimensions on the model. The next step for the users is running the npCreateSpoolLayout command to create a layout.
npCreateSpoolLayout - Beta
After creating the spool dimensions on the model with the npCreateSpoolDims command, Users can create a spool layout with the npCreateSpoolLayout command. After selecting the pipe, NotilusPiping automatically creates a layout with the below properties:
● Spool Dimensions Overview
● Table with ObjectNo, Description, Quantity/Length Columns
● Axis Directions
● Legend with CompanyLogo, SpoolLabel, Revision, ProjectName
Users can create channels from drawn polylines with NotilusPiping’s npMakeChannel command. After selecting a polyline and running the command, NotilusPiping brings a form that the user can filter and select channels. Below properties of the channel can be selected in the form:
● System
● Subsystem
● Width (mm)
● Height (mm)
● Material
● Isolation (mm)
● Channel/Pipe: Channel can be in the form of a pipe, so NotilusPiping provides an option to select the channel form. In the case of selecting pipe form, pipe diameter can be selected in the form.
After double-clicking on the listed channel option, NotilusPiping automatically builds a channel with selected properties around the polyline. Channel length information, material, dimension, and elbow quantities are listed in the BOM table.
Users can edit multiple channels at once with the npEditChannel command. NotilusPiping brings the Channel Selection form after selecting channels and running the command, the shown form is the same form in the npMakeChannel command.
After filtering the properties and selecting the channel option, NotilusPiping updates the channels with the new properties.
Users can create cable trays from drawn polylines with NotilusPiping’s npMakeCableTray command. After selecting a polyline and running the command, NotilusPiping brings a form that the user can filter and select cable trays. Below properties of the cable tray can be selected in the form:
● System
● Width (mm)
● Height (mm)
● Material
After double-clicking on the listed cable tray option, NotilusPiping automatically builds a cable tray with selected properties around the polyline. Cable tray length information, material, dimension, and elbow quantities are listed in the BOM table.
In order to flip the width and height dimensions of the channel or cable tray, Users can use the npFlipChannelTray command. NotilusPiping automatically updates the channel width-height orientation and changes elbow fittings.
In the case of pipeline interference, Users can “Jump” pipes above or under the interfering pipelines or structures. In order to “Jump” the pipes, after running the command, the user should select pipes to “Jump”, after that NotilusPiping asks for a jump start point with the option of JumpSize, which indicates the magnitude of the jump. If the user enters a negative value for the JumpSize, NotilusPiping “jumps” the pipes under the interfering objects.
After entering the JumpSize and selecting the start point, NotilusPiping asks the user for the jump end point. Finally, NotilusPiping automatically updates the selected pipes with the given inputs. Pipes are jumped with 45-degree segments to the given height of JumpSize and then dived into the same pipeline with 45-degree segments. 45-degree elbows are automatically placed.
Users can create hose from curves in the document with the npMakeHose command. After selecting a curve and running the command, NotilusPiping brings the Select Hose form and waits for the user to filter and choose the hose option.
Users can select below properties of the hose to filter available options:
● System
● Type
● Certified
After the filtering operation, Users can click on the hose to see its detailed properties:
● Weight (Kg)
● MaxPressure (bar)
● BendingRadius
Finally, Users can double-click on the hose option and build the hose around the selected curve. Hoses are also, listed on the BOM table.
In order to define a new pipe from the drawn polyline, Users can use the npMatchPipe command and select a built pipe as a reference. NotilusPiping automatically gets the properties of the reference pipe and builds a new pipe around the selected polyline.
Users can split multiple pipes from multiple points at once with the npMultiSplit command. After running the command users need to select pipes to split, and then split points on one of the selected pipes, NotilusPiping automatically finds the nearest points of the other pipes to split from.
After selecting the split points, Users can press the Enter button and NotilusPiping automatically splits pipes from the selected points and builds new pipes.
If user attributes of the NotilusPiping blocks are deleted, then the block becomes a ‘bad’ object for NotilusPiping. In such a case, NotilusPiping fails to add those blocks to the BOM table and fails to keep their locations & orientations.
In order to detect the bad objects, Users can use the npSelectBadObjects command. The command provides two options:
● IncludeFlanges: If the user wants to control flanges, the option must be set to Yes.
● IncludeValves: If the user wants to control valves, the option must be set to Yes.
Users can select the whole pipe with polyline, pipe surfaces, and elbows with the npSelPipe command. It is enough to select just one part of the pipe, NotilusPiping automatically finds the remaining pipe parts and selects them.
Users can set the distance between selected pipes automatically with the npSetDistance command. After running the command, Users should select a reference pipe, which will stay at the same position, and then Users should select other pipes to relocate according to the reference pipe.
At the other pipes selection stage, Users can directly enter a distance value to change the existing value. After entering the distance value and selecting the other pipes, NotilusPiping automatically arranges the distance between pipes.
With the npSettings command, Users can make arrangements at the Settings form. Below sections are available in the settings form:
● Version: Installed version of the NotilusPiping.
● Preserve 45-degree on not-welded pipes: NotilusPiping has the ability to preserve 45-degree connected segments at pipe movements. But users have the option to disable that feature. For the not-welded pipes, Users can decide whether to activate the feature or not.
● Preserve 45-degree on welded pipes: Users can decide whether to activate preserving the 45-degree segments feature for welded pipes or not.
● Auto build pipe curves: Option for building pipes automatically on pipe curve copy operations.
● Align cable tray & channels for not-90’ turns: Option for 45-degree connection elbow alignment while building channels and cable trays.
● Move all same plane segments together: Option for moving the same level segments of the pipe together. Put GIF Here
● Categorize welded sub-degree elbows to 45’ & 90’ at BOM table: If the option is checked, NotilusPiping automatically categorizes sub-degree elbows into 45-degree and 90-degree elbows. Elbows with a degree that's under 45’ are set to 45-degree elbows. Above 45-degree elbows are set to 90-degree elbows.
● Reset Cache: NotilusPiping uses a cache system to optimize the cloud data receive process. In case of library customization, Users can use this button to reset the cache and receive updated data from the cloud.
● System Layer Color: In order to change the color of system layers, After selecting the pipe system and desired color, Users can save the color with the Set button.
● Auto transform 90-elbows to 45-elbows: For systems like black water etc., NotilusPiping can automatically transform 90-degree elbows to 45-degree elbows. In order to define those systems, Users can use this settings section. Also, it is possible to delete a defined system by right-clicking on it and pressing the delete button. Users in the same company will be able to draw pipes on defined systems with the same transform feature.
Users can add position text boxes on elbow points of the pipe with the npShowPipeDims command. The command can be used for spool diagrams and onboard diagrams. Options available in the command are explained below:
● FrameSpace: Frame spacing value for the Frame dimension type. Frames are starting from zero.
● Z_Reference: Baseline Z reference value.
● DimensionType
○ StartPoint: The start point of the pipe is expressed with Frame and exact Y-Z values. Other point positions are defined with respect to the previous point. Distances to the previous point are expressed in positions. In order to highlight the start point, it is colored green.
○ Frame: With this option, every elbow point position is calculated and expressed separately. The X value of the point is expressed with the frame number, the Y value is expressed with respect to the center line, and the Z value is expressed with the defined baseline Z value.
In order to split a pipe from one point, Users can use the npSplitPipe command. After selecting the pipe, Users can select a point on the pipe curve and NotilusPiping automatically splits the pipe into 2 different pipes.
Users can build and manage their custom library with LibraryManager. Users belonging to the same company can use the same library. Once a user from the company adds, deletes, or edits the library, other users also get updates.
Users can add custom brands to their company library inside the LibraryManager. After the brand is added to the cloud database, all users belonging to the same company can see it. Below properties should be defined in form:
● Name
Custom brands can be used at adding new valves to the company library.
Users can add custom cable trays to their company library inside the LibraryManager. After the cable tray is added to the cloud database, all users belonging to the same company can see it. Below properties should be defined in the form:
● Width
● Height
● Radius
● Material
Users can add custom channels to their company library inside the LibraryManager. After the channel is added to the cloud database, all users belonging to the same company can see it. Below properties should be defined in form:
● Width
● Height
● Radius
● Material
● Isolation (mm)
In order to add a fitting to the library, Users should build a block in the Rhino and place it at the origin point. After that, Users can go into the Fitting section in LibraryManager and define the below properties of the fitting:
● Name
● Material
● Dimension
● FittingType
Finally, Users can select the block and add the fitting to the library.
Users can add custom flanges to the custom library inside the LibraryManager. In order to add new flange to library, Users should enter flange properties and flange geometry properties under the Flange section of the LibraryManager.
Flange properties are given below:
● Standard
● Dimension
● Material
● PressureNominale
● ConnectionType
○ Welded
○ Pressed
There is a flange geometry diagram available in the form for entering the geometry properties. NotilusPiping automatically builds flange geometries with given properties without requirement of a block instance.
Users can define material to library by just entering a name under Material section of the LibraryManager. After adding a material, all users belonging to the same company can use it.
Users can define standard to library by just entering a name under Standard section of the LibraryManager. After adding a standard, all users belonging to the same company can use it. Standards can be used while defining a new flange to the library.
It is easy to add a new valve to company’s custom library with NotilusPiping. Users can add new valve under Valve section of the LibraryManager by defining below properties and selecting a valve block in the Rhino document which is placed at origin point:
● Name
● Model
● Type
● Connection Type
● Body Material
● Brand
● Pipe Dimension
● Seat Material: Can be skipped
● Stem Spindle Material: Can be skipped
● Ball Material: Can be skipped
Users can add custom penetrations to their library under the Penetration section of the LibraryManager. After defining the properties of the custom penetration, it is saved to the cloud database and the penetration will be visible to all users belonging to the same company. Required properties for defining a penetration are given below:
● Width
● Height
● Thickness
● Length
● Radius
● Material
● Type: Oval or Round
Also, Users can see penetration library overview in Penetration section and delete the penetrations which is added by their company. A filtering system is available for penetration library in order to find the desired penetrations.
Pipe systems are used in layering by NotilusPiping. Users can add their custom pipe systems to the company library under the PipeSystem section of the LibraryManager. The only requirement for adding a new pipe system is name.
NotilusPiping consists wide range of pipe options in the default libray, But users have ability to add new pipe options to their company library under the Pipe section of the LibraryManager.
In order to speed up the custom pipe adding process, Users can use Bring From option in the form to bring properties of the similar pipe.
Below properties are required for the custom pipe option:
● LayerName
● Dimension
● Material
● OuterDiameter
● InsulationThickness
● Thickness
● Bend90Rad: Bending radius of the pipe for 90-degree elbows
● Bend45Rad: Bending radius of the pipe for 45-degree elbows
● Weight
● Standard
● Elbow Type
● Connection Type
Also, Users can edit or delete the pipe options which is added by their company in the same section.
Pressure nominale is used for defining a new flange to company library, so NotilusPiping gives ability to add new pressure nominale to company library as well. Users can add new pressure nominale by just typing a name under the PressureNominale section of the LibraryManager.
Equipments can be defined with the below properties:
● Name
● Brand
● Weight (Kg)
● Block Geometry
● CoG Point
● Connections:
○ Entry Circle
○ Type
○ Dimension
○ Name
○ In-Out State
○ Direction Arrow
Created equipments get saved to the local database, Folder path of the local database should be selected from the Settings form before creating equipments.
Equipment Connection Type
Default connection types for the equipments get created on local database path selection, but Users can add their custom types by specifying the name and clicking to Add button. Existing types can be seen and deleted in the form.
In case of misplaced or misoriented fitting-valve addition to the custom library, users can fix the problem without deleting the fitting-valve and adding again. With the npUpdateGeometryInLibrary command users can update the library with the fixed geometry.
Below steps should be followed in order to fix the geometry, This operation required to be done once:
- Double-click on the mis-placed fitting-valve
- Select all sub objects of the block
- Go into the Properties/Attribute User Text tab
- Delete all Key-Values
- Align geometry to where it should be with respect to the addition point
- Press OK in the Block Edit form
- Select edited block and run npUpdateGeometryInLibrary command
- Block will be moved to the origin point, select the moved block and remove it from the Rhino BlockManager
- In order to clean Rhino cache run purge command with argument “BlockDefinitions=Yes”
- Add the updated fitting-valve with the npAddFitting or npAddValve command.
All users belonging to the same company can use the updated geometry after this operation.
Pipe Movements
NotilusPiping has event listeners to update the piping model accordingly to the events happening in the Rhino document. If a user moves a pipe segment, NotilusPiping automatically updates the remaining segments of the pipe instantly.
Also locations of the fittings, valves, flanges which is placed on the pipe are updated according to the movement.
Length differences are updated on the BOM table instantly.
Same with pipe movements, channels and cable trays are updated on segments movements by NotilusPiping.
Reducer-connected pipes are moved together by NotilusPiping as well.
As explained in the npSettings section, NotilusPiping has ability to keep 45-degree connections on movement updates. This behaviour is separately optional for both welded and not-welded pipe types.
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